
Links has no organizational or financial connections to the sites listed below, but we think they provide some interesting, helpful resources. We encourage you to check them out for yourself

Learn New Testament Greek

Free software available, plus free downloadable fonts.

Institute of Theological Studies

Seminary level audio courses for purchase.

Biblical Training

Free online audio courses for all levels of study.

Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

Signs of Life Books

If you're near Lawrence, Kansas, or even just passing through, this is a bookstore well worth visiting!

Recommended Books

We think discerning readers will find much to appreciate in the following books. Let us know what you think!

Introducing Christian Doctrine,
by Millard J. Erickson

Encountering the Old Testament,
by Bill T. Arnold
& Bryan E. Beyer

Church History in Plain Language,
by Bruce L. Shelley

Getting to Know the Church Fathers , by Bryan M. Litfin

Knowledge of the Holy,
by A. W. Tozer

From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya,
by Ruth A. Tucker